One more day

IMG_1045One more day in Victoria and we got lucky this time around.  Every key workout in the last two weeks was in the sun.  Yesterday it turned into fall in a hurry and today we had some good cold rain.  Thursday off to the big island and I can’t wait.  In the past i’ve been a bit reserved in excitement about Hawaii.  Mostly because I knew I was likely going to receive a thumping and that ain’t no fun.  This year, i’m heading in with a better perspective I think.  I simply want to go there and see what my best effort can produce.  I think we can often tell ourselves we are not outcome oriented but underneath the bullshit we still want a certain outcome.  I think this is human nature.  This year I feel more at peace with the whole thing, more like a rookie.  I have no real expectation because I have no real result there, so far all attempts have lacked any fireworks.  A solid day with no major detonations and a chance to see what my best effort produces and I’ll give myself a high 5.

The last two weeks I’ve been on the MNTP philosophy.  It’s a method of training developed by a team of coaches years ago.  Like most philosophies it’s not rocket science and with only two real weeks to hit some key workouts I figured my body would do well with a small variation in stimulus.  So far so good.

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